Virtual Tour
Click here to see a video of a virtual tour of our centre including our three rooms and newly renovated outdoor areas.
Yellow Room -Infants & Toddlers
The YellowRoom is a warm and nurturing room. The routine is flexible, allowing babies and infants to continue the individual routines they have at home. The children can move freely around the room to discover, learn, create and develop their skills.
Our programs are designed to develop children’s sense of belonging, their independence, language development, and motor skills. Story time, songs, and arts and craft time also develops friendships and fosters each child’s sense of belonging.
We have a minimum of four/five educators in the room each day, caring for 16 children.
Green Room -Toddlers
The Green Room provides areas for discovery and investigation. Toddlers are very busy little people, learning many new things about themselves and about the world around them. The Green Room encourages the development of early language, cooperation, fair play and new discoveries.
Children will develop confidence as they explore different materials and objects throughout their play. Our programs enable children to indulge their curiosities and imagination throughout the day. Music and language programs are designed to engage children and encourage a wide range of learning opportunities.
We have a minimum of three/four educators each day caring for 15 children.
Red Room - Preschoolers
The Red Room encourages play-based learning to provide the most appropriate stimulus for brain development. Our educators focus on developing communication and language skills, including early literacy and numeracy, along with social and emotional skills. Some of the Red Room's goals include:
- Develop the confidence and independence to separate easily in the mornings and be responsible for own belongings
- Listening, concentrating and taking turns in talking at group time
- Recognising name, letters and sounds of the alphabet, numbers 1-10, colours and basic shapes
- Writing name and numbers from 1-10
- Developing fine motor skills such as correct pincer grip and scissor grip
Our preschool room is for children aged from 3-5 years. The room implements a Preschool program which develops children's cognitive, physical, social and emotional skills. Our developmental programs incorporate structured learning opportunities to provide children with information and knowledge on the community and world around them. Our morning yarning circle provides children with an engaging group time enhancing their interest and current knowledge.
PreLit is a systematic, skills-based program that lays a sound foundation for children to learn to read. It provides early childhood children with the tools needed to develop pre-literacy skills and concepts with a focus on phonological awareness and oral language development. Our qualified educators implement this program as part of our preschool program.
We have a minimum of two educators each day caring for 18 children.
Outdoor Play
Playing outside gives your child the chance to explore the natural environment and have adventures. Children can play their favourite games, test their physical limits, express themselves and build self-confidence. When your child is outside, they have more space and freedom for big movements, like running, jumping, kicking and throwing. Physical activities like these are good for health, fitness and physical development.
Our outdoor spaces are well shaded and provide for excellent supervision during play. We have fixed equipment to provide children with gross motor challenges and also provide a variety of outdoor resources to engage them in their large motor development.
Activities your child will enjoy outside could include:
- Throwing and chasing balls
- Wheeling, pushing or pulling different toys and objects
- Walking, running or jumping
- Blowing bubbles and chasing them as they float away
- Playing in sand
- Water play (supervised)
- Playing games of chase, hide-and-seek
- Moving in different ways with colourful leaves, flowers, scarves or streamers
- Going on a walk together and naming all of the different sounds you hear
The Kitchen
Our incredible cook, Alice, fills the centre with wonderful aromas and fills young tummies with nutritious and delicious meals and snacks.
The kitchen is equipped with a proper commercial kitchen and meets commercial standards of hygiene for food preparation and storage.