We provide many opportunities for our children to be physically active - whether it be through planned group games, free play outside or through Music and Movement. Our Educators implement the FUNdamental Movement Skills daily, which is part of Munch and Move!
Our children also have the opportunity to participate in 2 sport and movement classes whilst at Appleseed!
The benefits of being active for young children include:
- promoting healthy growth and development
- helping to achieve and maintain a healthy weight
- building strong bones and muscles
- improving cardiovascular fitness
- improving balance, coordination and strength
- maintaining and developing flexibility
- improving posture
- assisting with the development of gross motor and fine motor skills
- providing the opportunity to develop fundamental movement skills
- helping to establish connections between different parts of the brain
- improving concentration and thinking skills
- improving confidence and self-esteem
- relieving stress and promoting relaxation
- providing opportunities to develop social skills and make friends
- improving sleep.